The telc German exam


We certify your language skills and document your language competence in the areas of listening, reading, speaking and writing.

in Deutsch

українською мовою

Would you like to register directly for the telc exam? Please note our available dates!


telc: Take your German exam in Rostock.

The recognised proof of your language skills


telc (The European Language Certificates) are internationally recognised language tests that you can take at inlingua Rostock for German and English. They are an important step for many people who want to prove their language skills, whether for their career, studies or naturalisation.

From basic grammar to complex conversational skills: Our options and learning strategies will help you prepare for exam day in the best possible way. Put your trust in our expertise and master your way to a successful telc exam with us!

Also good to know: As a rule, the costs for your telc exam are included in the inlingua language course. You also have the option of registering for a separate, self-financed exam with us. We will be happy to advise you on this.

telc examinations are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: learning, teaching, assessment (CEFR). The initiator is telc gGmbH, based in Bad Homburg. As a recognised and non-profit educational company, the service provider has set itself the task of offering language examinations, training and teaching materials at the highest level worldwide.

telc exam dates

Startzeit schriftlich
Startzeit mündlich

Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. Änderungen und Irrtümer vorbehalten.

Verbindliche Anmeldung


Deutsch B1

Verbindliche Anmeldung


Deutsch B2

Verbindliche Anmeldung


Deutsch C1

telc examinations are divided into a written and an oral part.


The written telc exam


  • This will take place for all participants on the premises of the inlingua Language Academy Rostock. The address is: Herweghstr.1, 18055 Rostock.
  • Our telc exams start at 10 am (you will be informed separately if the start time differs).
  • We recommend that you arrive approx. 15 minutes early.


The procedure:


  • Your personal belongings are stowed away (telephone, jackets, etc.). 
  • You may only take your ID card and one unlabelled drinks bottle into the examination room.
  • Attendance is checked and instructions are given.
  • The written exam begins.
  • The duration of the written exam depends on the language level tested.


The oral telc exam


  • The oral examination usually takes place on the same day as the written examination. In exceptional cases, the oral examination may be held within 7 days of the written examination. In this case, you will be informed separately.
  • Please arrive at 2 pm for the oral examination.
  • It is essential that you bring your ID with you. The examination cannot be taken without it.


The procedure:


  • The oral examination takes place in pairs. In special cases, three participants may also take part in an oral examination.
  • From a number of 16 participants you will be divided into 2 groups to shorten the time in the waiting room.
  • Phones, smartwatches etc. are not permitted in the waiting room.
  • You may take drinks and small snacks with you. 
  • The duration of the oral examination depends on the language level tested.

Overview: Differences between the language levels

telc examinations are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: learning, teaching, assessment: the CEFR. This is the basis for the development of curricula, examinations, textbooks etc. throughout Europe. It distinguishes between six levels of competence and describes what learners can express and understand at each level.

The CEFR describes six internationally comparable levels:

Level A1 - First steps

They understand familiar words and very simple sentences when spoken slowly and clearly and can read and understand individual words and very simple sentences. 

They can communicate in short words and fill out a form, for example.

Level A2 - Communicate

Understand the essentials in short, clear and simple messages and read short, simple texts.

You can use a range of sentences to communicate in everyday situations and write short, simple notes, messages and personal letters.

Level B1 - Actively participate

You understand the main information about work, school and leisure and can read and understand texts using very common everyday or professional language.

You can take part in conversations about family, hobbies, work or current events and write simple, coherent texts on familiar topics.

Level B2 - Co-create

You can follow speeches and most television programs and feature films if the topic is reasonably familiar and read articles, reports and literary prose texts.

They communicate fluently and can actively participate in discussions. You can formulate detailed texts such as essays, reports or letters and argue your point of view.

Level C1 - Manage

You can easily understand longer speeches, TV programmes and films and read long, complex factual and literary texts.

You express yourself spontaneously, fluently, flexibly and precisely and write clearly and in a well-structured way about complex topics, choosing the appropriate style in each case.

Level C2 - Act with confidence

You understand spoken language without difficulty, even when it is spoken quickly, and read all texts effortlessly.

You can participate effortlessly in all conversations and discussions and use colloquial expressions and write demanding, complex texts and specialised texts. You can summarise and discuss literary works.

Your contact for all exam questions

telc Deutschprüfung schnell und günstig

Marc Selinski


+49 (0)381 24 292 11

My personal tips for you:

It is always an advantage to come to the exam well-rested and not on an empty stomach.



Please remember your ID card.



It is worth arriving in good time for the telc exam, at least a quarter of an hour before the appointment. This gives you the opportunity to calm down and concentrate. We can also clarify everything you need to know together during this time.



Even if exams are always exciting: Try to take a deep breath from time to time. If you feel stressed, it's best to take a short break.


Your results are usually available after four to six weeks. You don't need to worry about anything. We will contact you automatically. And very important: Please inform us of any changes of address so that we can actually deliver the result.
